Total Body Lift
A body lift, also known as a circumferential body lift, improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat. Excess sagging skin and fat are removed and the procedure(s) can improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface. A body lift is like a tummy tuck that continues to the back. It is typically indicated in patients who have lost a lot of weight and have sagging skin that extends to their back and buttocks. This is a very effective surgery to treat multiple areas at the same time.
Abdominal area - locally or extending around the sides and into the lower back area
Thigh - the inner, outer, or posterior thigh, or the thigh's circumference
Before and After Photos of Total Body Lifts with Dr. Hazen

Total Body Lift Procedure
The procedure is done in the hospital and the patient can expect to stay overnight. The procedure takes between 4-7 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is placed on the operating table probe (face down) and the back and buttocks area is addressed. Incisions are generally made across the back in the waist area, and excess skin is removed to create a more shapely waist and to help lift the buttocks area, then the patient is turned (carefully and safely while still asleep) in the operating room and the anterior abdominal wall is addressed and cut and reshaped.
Who is a Candidate for a Body Lift?
In general, body lift candidates include:
Individuals with significant loose skin in their back and tummy
Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what body lift surgery can accomplish
Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and fitness
Post Surgery Recovery
The recovery from this surgery is about 3 weeks. You will be up and about and walking, but the skin incisions are very long and it will take a while to fully heal.
Why Choose Dr. Hazen
Dr. Hazen has years of experience doing this procedure and has a great aesthetic eye. You are in the best hands with Dr. Hazen!
What to Expect From Your Consultation
After welcoming you, Dr. Hazen takes a thorough look at your medical history and conditions, including hospitalizations and medications taken. A physical exam is performed. Your goals and desires for surgery are fully explored, and Dr. Hazen gives a comprehensive explanation of the surgical procedures that are possible for you, including complications and risks. She describes your individual recovery process. Now you have the option to have your pre-operative photos taken (saves a visit). Dr. Hazen and you may explore any issues that are blocking or interfering with the surgery actually happening, including anxieties around it. Then your surgery plan is made with a timeline. If the procedure is not covered by insurance, you receive an estimate for surgery and anesthesia.