Hair Transplant for
Trans Women and Trans Men
Hair transplant is an effective and natural way to restore your hairline, fill in bald spots and create a new hairline. The patient first needs a full evaluation with Dr. Alexes Hazen to diagnose the cause of the hair loss, and determine if a hair transplant is the correct treatment. In many transgender patients, there can be hair loss due to taking exogenous hormones. Some trans women may want to change their hairline to make it appear more feminine. Many different treatments work for hair restoration, for example, oral or topical medications and injections of PRP or steroids. Recovery from hair transplant is about 5 days, though most patients feel fine after 2 days. This procedure is great for male pattern baldness, thinning hair, and trans-masculine patients who lose hair due to taking testosterone. It is also effective for any patient who wants to change their natural hairline. Dr. Hazen was one of the first to start doing Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) in NYC and her technicians, who actually perform the procedure, are considered the best in the country.

Dr. Alexes Hazen on Hair Transplant
Before and After Photos of Hair Transplant Patients
Hair Transplant Procedure
Hair transplant surgery is surgery that is performed to restore hair to areas of the scalp that are bald or that have thinning hair. There are multiple types of hair replacement surgery. Most commonly, these involve hair transplantation but flap surgery, tissue expansion of the scalp, and scalp reduction surgery are also methods used for hair replacement. Each of these types of surgeries can be used alone or in combination to provide the patient with the best possible outcome for hair replacement.
For surgical restoration, Dr. Hazen uses a state-of-the-art Follicular Unit Extraction and Transfer of single hair follicles using the world-renowned NEO-Graft Technology and works with the best hair technicians in the country! The idea behind FUE is taking your own hair from where you have extra (the back of the head) and bringing those follicle units to where you are losing hair, or where you want to change the hairline. There are no stitches, scars, or incisions. The effect is natural, scarless and the transferred hairs will never shed! The process takes place in the office under local, requires that you cut the back of the hair very short. The process can take up to 8 hours but typically is 5.
Who is a Candidate for a Hair Transplant?
In general, most patients with hair loss are good candidates, but the specific pattern of hair loss and the amount of hair left and the quality of hair that remains needs to be evaluated by Dr. Hazen. A consultation is needed to make sure you are a candidate and to evaluate other methods to slow down hair loss.
Post Surgery Recovery
Recovery from hair transplant is very fast. There is very little pain associated with the procedure, though there can sometimes be a little swelling, especially at the forehead. The grafts usually are fully healed within 5 days and the donor sites (where the hair is taken from) are usually healed within 3 days. Usually, the slower issue is the shaved hair on the donor site growing out to the same length as the other hair. In women patients (trans and cis) the hair donor site can be hidden under longer hair to camouflage it. In men (trans or cis) if they cut all their hair fairly short right before the procedure, it can all be the same length fairly quickly.
Why Choose Dr. Hazen
Dr. Hazen has been working with transgender patients for over 10 years and has been doing Neo-graft hair transplants for just as long. She was one of the first to start doing follicular unit extraction (FUE) in NYC and her technicians, who actually perform the procedure, are considered the best in the country. Dr. Hazen assesses your hair loss and helps design the hairline and pattern for transplant. With her vast experience and comfort with the transgender community, she is a good fit for transgender patients. Most hair transplant doctors do not specialize in transgender patients as Dr. Hazen does.
What to Expect From Your Consultation
During your consultation, Dr. Hazen takes a detailed history of any medical issues and conditions, including hospitalizations and medications taken. A physical exam is then performed. Your goals and desires for your hair are explored and a comprehensive plan is made for you, including post-procedure routines to reduce hair loss. Dr. Hazen fully explains the procedure as well as the recovery and complications and risks. You now have the option to take pre-operative photos (saves a visit). Then your plan is put together with a timeline. If the hair transplant is not covered by insurance, you receive an estimated cost for the surgery.