Fascia Release for Post Op Top Surgery Patients
Brooklyn Strength
Contact Brooklyn Strength via Social Media: @brooklynstrength
Email for More Info: info@brooklynstrength.com
Dr. Hazen Patients receive 15% off their first session with code Hazen15!
Medicaid patients please email us for sliding scale options.
Health Insurance
Amidacare: Amida Care’s Medicaid Managed Care Special Needs Health Plan (SNP), Live Life Plus, is specially designed to provide comprehensive health coverage and services to people living with HIV/AIDS and chronic conditions; people of transgender experience, regardless of HIV status; and people who are homeless, regardless of HIV status. You are eligible to join Amida Care’s Live Life Plus plan if:
You qualify for Medicaid Managed Care AND
You live in New York City AND
You are one of the following:
Living with HIV/AIDS
Homeless (HIV positive or negative)
Transgender (HIV positive or negative)
A child (HIV positive or negative) of an active Amida Care member
Meena S. Fatimi, MD - Gouverneur Gotham Health Clinic
227 Madison Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 441-5469
Accepts: 1199, Amidacare, BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, GHI, Multiplan PPO, UHC and Oxford insurance.
Medical Services Include: cervical and anal cancer (pap) in-office screening, chronic disease management (like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.), contraception, hormone therapy, mental health referrals, physicians letters for gender-affirming surgery, PrEP/PEP, referrals for breast/chest/lung/colon cancer screening, referrals for gender-affirming surgery, referrals for in-house opiate dependence treatment (Buprenorphine clinic), referrals for in-house virology care (HIV, Hepatitis C), sick visits, smoking cessation, STI testing and treatment, vaccines, wellness, work/school forms.
Gender Affirming Primary Care and Hormone Therapy
APICHA Community Health Center
(212) 334-6029
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
Bronx: (718) 215-1800
Manhattan: (212) 271-7200
Name and Gender Marker Changes
New York Legal Assistance Group
Legal Walk-In Legal Clinic
New York LGBT Community Center
208 West 13th Street, New York, NY
(212) 613-5000
Tuesdays: 6:00pm-8:00pm
The Out Foundation
387 Park Ave South, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
The OUT Foundation's mission is to remove the barriers that block LGBTQ+ individuals' access and participation in health and wellness, ensuring their success. Dedicated to nurturing, empowering, and celebrating LGBTQ+ bodies and minds, guaranteeing our community thrives.
Legal Aid
Community and Support Groups
The LGBT Community Center
208 W 13 St New York, NY 10011
(646) 556-9300
Services: Support groups (English and Spanish), mental health, substance use recovery
(973) 285-0006
Services: LGBTQ+ psychological and physical health as well as care for HIV+, PrEP, nPEP, emergency housing for both adults and youths, long term housing, food pantry, case management, individual therapy, group therapy, HRT therapy, surgery letters, family support groups, cultural competence groups for adolescents, adults, family and staff, regularly scheduled events (such as HIV walk, movie nights, dinners, karaoke, etc.)
Support for Loved Ones
Ackermann Institute for the Family
149 East 78th St. New York, NY 10075
(212) 879-4900
The Gender and Family Project (GFP) provides outpatient clinical services (groups and family therapy) to families with gender nonconforming and transgender children and adolescents.
(212) 463-0629
Support for parents, families, and friends of LGBT people. Regional support networks and national resources. Transgender Network (TNET) supports loved ones of TGNC people.
MAS works closely with medical practitioners and transportation providers to ensure that Medicaid enrollees are provided courteous and professional transportation. All non-emergency Medicaid transportation managed by MAS is subject to the prior approval of the New York State Department of Health via MAS. MAS helps with getting your approval, which must be obtained prior to booking rides or incurring any expenses. To start the approval process, please call MAS at the number specific to your county or borough to begin, or to find out if you are eligible for non-emergency Medicaid transportation.
New London Specialty Pharmacy
New London Specialty Pharmacy works directly with patients to ensure that medications are delivered as scheduled and temperature controlled to ensure proper administration. They offer fast and convenient delivery to the patient’s house, workplace or other preferred location.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Andrea Velez
119 West 57th St Suite 715
Office 347 652 4086
Cell 224 605 6458
After cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, tummy tucks, or fat transfers, the lymphatic channels are disrupted and take about two to three months to make new connections. Adding a series of lymphatic massages to a patient’s post-op care routines can benefit their recovery. The massage technique helps to reduce swelling and improve aesthetic results by decreasing congestion of the tissue.
Gender-Affirming Verbal Communication
Online Speech Pathology Program
Gender-affirming verbal communication refers to using language and speech patterns that align with a person’s gender identity and expression, particularly in the context of transgender and gender diverse individuals. This communication style is intended to validate and support an individual’s authentic self by ensuring that their voice, words, and non-verbal cues reflect their gender identity.
A Nurse’s Comprehensive Guide to Gender-Affirming Care
NP Nurse Practitioner Programs
With nurses being on the frontline, they play a big role in providing transgenders and GNCs with the medical, psychological, and emotional care they need. However, many may not have the experience or access to proper resources to render the necessary services. Here, we’ll explore the concepts and care recommendations for delivering gender-affirming nursing care.